Does Biotin Make HairGrow Faster or Thicker?

· FITNESS,medicine,vitamin
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Biotin is the wonder vitamin that is believed to beresponsible for the growth of hair and also for the nourishment of skin and nails. But does it actually have all the magical properties or is it all a myth?

Biotin is also known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H whereH means ‘haar and haut’ in German meaning hair and skin. Biotin deficiency can cause hair thinning, rashes, and brittle nails. It not only works on hair skin nails but also helps in the metabolism of macronutrients which leads to energy production. Biotin also helps in the reduction of glucose levels in the blood.

The most popular way to take biotin supplements is in the form of gummies. Biotin gummies for hair growth are chewable candies that are made up ofmultivitamins that are beneficial for hair growth.

Studies have shown that biotin does in fact help inthe thickness of hair. Biotin minimizes hair loss and helps in the recovery of damaged hair follicles. It also increases the production of keratin, a protein responsible for hair formation. Biotin strengthens the hair making it thicker and also it fastens hair growth.

It is advisable to take these gummies for hair growth and thickness regularly for at least three tofive months for better results.

Biotin gummies also contain collagen, folate, zinc,and multivitamins like Vitamin A, vitamin C, and Vitamin E. These also aid in increasing the volume and growth of hair. Some of these components contain antibacterial and antioxidant properties hence, they protect hair from dandruff and oxidative damage. They also work on the skin by reducing the chances of getting skin infections. They moisturize the scalp hydrate the skin and also increase blood circulation.

Major benefits ofbiotin hair gummies are –

  • Minimize hair loss and breakage.
  • Accelerates the formation and recovery of hairfollicles
  • Strengthens the nails and prevents them from beingbrittle
  • Nourishes the skin. Shows antioxidant propertieshence, it protects skin and even hair from oxidative damage.
  • Biotin gummies also increase energy and reduce bloodsugar levels.

Mostly the biotin gummies do not have any severeeffects on health even when taken in excess quantities. However, this does not mean that overeating the gummies is okay. It can cause digestive complications like vomiting, constipation, nausea, and stomach pain.

The gummies can also interact with some of theprescription medicines, hence, it is advisable to inform the doctor about the supplements you take before starting a treatment with any medicine.

Some of the ingredients might cause an allergicresponse. Therefore, it is recommended to get complete information about the product before starting the use.


Arechar Nutra’sVitagoli hair skin nails vitamin gummies are one of the effective examples present inthe market. These gummies contain all the good stuff needed to make the hair thick and healthy. These gummies also contain inositol, sea buckthorn, and grape seed extract which provide an extra boost to health.

FAQ (FrequentlyAsked Questions)

How many gummiescan I take?
Itis advisable to take one or two biotin gummies daily for three to four months.

Can biotin gummiescause allergies?
Yes. The gummies are made of multivitamins and other components that aregood for hair skin and nail health. It is highly possible that you could be allergic to one of them. Redness, rashes, swelling, and hives are a few of the initial signs of an allergic reaction