Does B12 Supplement Affect Female Hormones?

The secret to getting healthy, shiny, andlustrous hair can be none other than our best hair fall gummies.


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Withthe world becoming so fast-paced people do not have the time to maintain a full balanced diet. Vitamin and mineral supplements have become our new friends which fulfil our daily quota of nutrition. Vitamin B12 is one of the most common supplements taken by people. Let's get complete information about the vitamin and its effect on hormones.

VitaminB12supplements for women also known as cobalamin is useful for the proteinmetabolism and formation of red blood cells. It is also necessary for the maintenance of the central nervous system. The deficiency of this vitamin can cause anemia, gastritis, and other digestive disease. Low vitamin B12 can lead
to the accumulation of homocysteine which as a result creates an imbalance in estrogen concentration. Furthermore, leads to mood swings and fatigue.

Thedeficiency of Vitamin B12 can be overcome by taking supplements.

Some of the benefits of taking VitaminB12 supplements are -

  • Increasesthe production of red blood cells which further reduces the risk of getting anemia.
  • Improvesthe hair, skin, and nail health. It not only accelerates the formation of follicles but also increases the production of protein responsible for hair growth. For skin, it reduces pigmentation and nourishes the skin texture. It also strengthens nails.
  • VitaminB12supplements for women help in maintaining a healthy pregnancy.
  • Increasesthe bone density which further reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Improvesvision and prevents macular degeneration which happens with age.
  • Aidsin the production of serotonin which helps in improving the mood of people.
  • Takingsupplements also increases energy production in the body. As a result, it helps
    in reducing fatigue.
  • Italso boosts heart health.

The side effects of taking VitaminB12 supplements are –

  • Mostof the time these vitamin supplements are safe to take even in higher dosages. However, in some people, it might cause an allergic reaction.
  • Excessof these supplements can cause stomach problems like vomiting, nausea, and
  • Fatigueis also one of the side effects of taking the vitamin in excess.
  • VitaminC supplements if taken along with Vitamin B12 reduce its absorption.


Arechar Nutra’s Vitagoli contains VitaminB12 which helps in the detoxification of the body. It also helps in DNAsynthesis. The main focal point of these gummies is to improve hair nail and
skin health.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How many Vitamin supplements can Itake?

Itis advisable to take one or two vitamin supplements in a day or whatever is
recommended on the box.

Does vitamin B12 gummies affect hair?

VitaminB12 accelerates the formation of hair follicles. Therefore, it increases hair
growth and volume.