Do Biotin Gummies Increase Facial Hair In Females?


Gummies For Hair Growth And Thickness


Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that isessential for the overall health of hair. Biotin Gummies For Hair Skin And Nails are typically used for hair and nailgrowth as well as better skin texture. But, there is no such evidence that supports the use of biotin may lead to an increase in facial hair in females. Biotin deficiency may lead to hair loss so regular use of biotin combats hair loss and promotes hair growth.

How Does Biotin Work?

Biotin is the B complex or H vitamin which is responsible for the production of keratin in the body. Whereas, keratin is the protein that helps the hair follicle to form the structure of the hair. This eventually increases the hair thickness and quality which leads to the formation of healthy hair. As biotin gummies promote hair growth, there is disbelief among people that it may increase facial hair as well. But, one needs to understand that biotin supports the growth of existing hair follicles. It doesn’t increase the hair follicle so growth of facial hair is not possible due to biotin. However, certain conditions may cause the growth of facial hair.

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The growth of facial hair majorly depends upon the androgen hormone which is predominantly present in males. The presence of the hormone androgen is the reason for beard growth in males. A genetic factor is also one of the reasons for facial hair. In the case of PCOD (polycystic ovarian disorder), one may see the growth of facial hair due to hormonal changes in women. Talk to your healthcare professional for the treatment of facial hair as they will guide you according to your health condition.

In Summary,

Biotin Gummies help people to treat hair thinning and maintain the overall health of hair. It not only promotes hair growth but provides strength, shine, and luster to hair as well. One must add gummies to complement the diet. In the diet, it is important to add food sources that are rich in biotin instead of relying completely on gummies. Food sources of biotin include eggs, bananas, cauliflower, nuts, and seeds. It doesn’t only support hair growth but Biotin Gummies For Skin wonders you by rejuvenating the skin as well. Do not confuse hair growth with facial hair growth as there is no link between the growth of facial hair by the use of biotin. Consult a doctor right away if you are getting a condition like facial hair.